The suit claims she cam into contact with asbestos when she was a youth and her father and brother worked as boiler makers. Citing that the caustic fibres attached to both men's clothing. Some of the companies named in the suit include Goodyear Tire, Con Ed and Pfizer. Her smoking habits were never formally mentioned in the suit filed.
The National Cancer Institute says there are factors that play in the risk of developing any asbestos related diseases:
- Dose – how much asbestos an individual was exposed to asbestos
- Duration – how long an individual was exposed or susceptible
- Size, shape and chemical makeup of the asbestos fibres (The US EPA defines six different mineral types as asbestos)
- Source of the exposure
- Individual risk factors, such as smoking and other pre-existing lung diseases.
If you suspect that your home or commercial building may contain asbestos it is essential that you contact an asbestos removal company immediately. A Mac. Contracting offers 100% safes asbestos removal in NY backed by over 25 years of experience.
A Mac Contracting Inc.
105 Lowell Rd
Glen Rock, NJ 07452